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Nov 07, 2014
By Estate Planning Attorney Rick Law of The Estate Planning Center at Law Elder Law in Aurora, IL, just off I-88 Want to apply for much needed Veterans benefits? Here are the items you’ll need if you are a veteran, veteran and spouse, or widow or widower of a veteran. Veteran only: DD-214 or discharge […]
Nov 05, 2014
By Rick Law of Law Elder Law in West Suburban Aurora, IL Many people think the dates for “periods of war” are much narrower than they actually are. Since part of the requirements for the Aid and Attendance benefit for Veterans over age 65 require that you or your veteran spouse served 90 days of […]
Apr 15, 2013
An Introductory Tour of the Special Monthly Pension available for Wartime Veterans And/Or Survivor Spouses who are Age 65 Or Older OR Permanently and Totally Disabled. Most people think of veterans’ benefits as being only for servicemen and women who were wounded or disabled while serving in the armed forces. By and large, that is true. But we […]
Jan 16, 2013
When my friend came to me in need of help with veteran’s benefits, I realized how little I knew about the complicated VA benefit process. What a horrible feeling, not being able to help someone I care about when they needed me most. What’s worse, I didn’t know any lawyer who knew enough about veteran’s […]
“Everyone in the office was absolutely wonderful to work with whether on the initial set-up of the trust, adjustment to such following my father’s passing, or processing of his home sale and proceeds.
They genuinely care for your family’s well-being and walk you through each step of the process. They are also exceptionally responsive even when parties involved live in different locations.
This is a definitely a team you can trust and one I highly recommend.”
W.W., Client of Law Hesselbaum