Category: Caregivers

How a Little Mistake Could Cost You $7,000 a Month

By Chicagoland Senior Advocate Rick Law of Law Elderlaw in Aurora, IL Do you have the information you need to keep your family safe? Caring for a beloved family member with Alzheimer’s isn’t easy; it’s one of the toughest tasks anyone can undertake. As an elder law attorney, I witness the burden families bear taking […]

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A New Committee is Born: Elder Care, Disability, and Mental Health Law

  On September 28, 2011, we kicked off the first meeting of the Elder Care, Disability and Mental Health Law Committee of the Kane County Bar Association (KCBA).  The committee, which is co-chaired by Kane County State’s Attorney Joseph McMahon and yours truly, will explore issues that impact the law and lives of clients, attorneys, […]

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Protecting Vulnerable Seniors

Due to the recent sensationalism of the Mickey Rooney case, we were asked by a reporter with the Wall Street Journal to provide anecdotal stories for an article about how to protect vulnerable seniors from financial abuse.  The key focus was, specifically, to examine the misuse of financial powers of attorney by trusted persons.  Our […]

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A Woman’s Story

He looked into his wife’s eyes and flatly stated, “I’ll put a gun to my head before I ever go to a nursing home.”  But the sad truth is this:  His wife will be the one to bear the burden caused by his long term care needs and her own aging challenges. This couple are […]

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83 Years Old and Never an Empty-Nester

This is a reprint of a blog post originally published November 7, 2008.  Although almost 2 years have passed, many parents of disabled children still live in fear of what will happen when they can no longer serve as primary caregiver for their child.  We hope that reprinting this blog post will help  these parents […]

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Is Dad At the Shelter?

Recently I was sitting down with some very good friends when a cell phone rang.  A look of worry shot across my friend’s brow as he looked at me and apologized, “I’ve got to take this call… my Dad’s missing!  He’s gone wandering…”  I could not help but listen as he spoke to relatives several […]

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Grandma’s Cobwebs

About a year ago, for reasons I can’t really explain, I wanted to find out what books specifically for children had been written about Alzheimer’s. It was easy to find a book called What’s Happening to Grandpa? by Maria Shriver. When I went to to find out more about Maria Shriver’s book, I saw a review that said that “Dr. Ann Frantti wrote a book entitled Grandma’s Cobwebs several years ago on the same topic. Unfortunately, Dr. Frantti doesn’t have the benefit of Ms. Shriver’s ‘star power’ in terms of getting publicity about Grandma’s Cobwebs, but her book is excellent.”

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The Wedding Singer Loves Seniors!

They say that when you meet a person, you know neither who they really are nor the path they have walked.  I am grateful to introduce you to a very inspiring young leader, Jeremy Amster, a wedding singer and nursing home administrator. Recently I conducted my own personal investigation of Tower Hill Healthcare Center in […]

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CMS Nursing Home Night Stalkers

This blog is not about strangers lurking in an alley.  Nonetheless, nursing homes are routinely “invaded” in the wee hours and weekends, because they are subject to unannounced night and weekend visits by trained teams of Medicare inspectors. These snoopy night stalkers show up and  “camp out” in the facility for days.  These teams have […]

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Wrongful Resuscitation

Often, older adults have told me stories of doctors and/or hospital staff who ignored the refusal of life-prolonging care wishes of a now-deceased loved one. They tell me that they had insisted that their loved one did not want life-prolonging treatment, but nonetheless a doctor ordered feeding tubes, ventilators, and other life-prolonging measures. I have wondered—is this fear of wrongful resuscitation real or imagined? The short answer appears to be that the fear is real.

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Our Reviews

“Everyone in the office was absolutely wonderful to work with whether on the initial set-up of the trust, adjustment to such following my father’s passing, or processing of his home sale and proceeds.

They genuinely care for your family’s well-being and walk you through each step of the process. They are also exceptionally responsive even when parties involved live in different locations.

This is a definitely a team you can trust and one I highly recommend.”

W.W., Client of Law Hesselbaum